Contact Details

Treoir Unmarried Parents

Treoir provide a free, confidential, specialist information service for parents not married to each other, living together or apart, their extended families, and those working with them. Information is available on Legal, Social Welfare, and Parenting issues.

  • Treoir help parents who are not married to each other better understand complex family law issues, specifically access and custody, maintenance and guardianship, they also promote shared parenting and provide parenting tips to help parents develop good parenting relationships.
  • Treoir believe children born to unmarried parents should have the same rights as those born to married parents.
  • Treoir believe that children have a right to be loved and cared for by both parents, where possible.


Please see the website or contact Treoir directly for parent information and support or partic8lur topics related to un married Parents rights, responsibilities, duties and supports