Pre-Registration Training for Childminders
Waterford Childcare Committee are facilitating Pre-Registration Training for Childminders on Saturday 12th October. This training is a FREE mandatory course for anyone who intends to register with Tusla for a childminding service.
A childminding service involves an individual taking care, by themselves, of children under the
age of 15 years, for payment, in the childminder’s home. A childminder is self-employed and
provides a paid childcare service for a minimum of 2 hours a day in their own home.
The aim of this training is:
• Understand the new childminding regulations.
• Apply the regulations to your childminding practice.
• Understand the Tusla registration process for childminders.
• Understand the documentation required to register with Tusla.
• Access supports and resources.
For further information or to register for this course, please call Emer Quigley (Childminding Development Officer) on Tel:0879322311 or Email: