About Waterford Parent Hub

About Waterford Parent Hub

Waterford Parent Hub is a Tusla funded initiative, set up to support Parents/caregivers in Waterford City and County in their parenting role

Services offered at Waterford Parent Hub


  • One stop shop for parenting related queries.
  • Connecting or signposting Parents to local service providers, who can meet their identified needs, within their own locality, and in a timely way
  • WPH Events page showing courses and programs aimed at supporting Parents/ Caregivers in their parenting role
  • WPH Directory of Services that gives relevant information on the different supports and services available to Parents/ Caregivers in Waterford City and County
  • General advice on parenting related matters
  • WPH Facebook page providing information on actives and supports for parents happening in Waterford city and county
  • Dedicated phone line for Parents to ring for queries, information and signposting to services
  • Contact Waterford Parent Hub through Email, phone, text, WhatsApp or Facebook


  • CENTRAL INFORMATION POINT: Provide a reference point for professionals to inform/ signpost parents and caregivers on information relevant to them in their parenting role
  • ADVERTISE: Assist with the Advertising of courses/training/supports and sign post local people to your service
  • COLLABORATE: Promote collaborative inter agency work to allow the delivery of supports based on identified needs in the area, in a timely manner