About Waterford Parent Hub


Waterford Parent Hub is a Tusla and CYPSC funded initiative, set up to support Parents/caregivers in Waterford City and County in their parenting role

Services offered at Waterford Parent Hub

For Parents


One stop shop for parenting related queries

Referring or signposting Parents to local service providers, who can meet their identified needs, within their own locality, and in a timely way

WPH Events page showing courses and programs aimed at supporting Parents/ Caregivers in their parenting role

WPH Services Directory that gives relevant information on the different supports and services available to Parents/ Caregivers in Waterford City and County

General advice on parenting related matters

WPH Facebook and Instagram  pages providing information on actives and supports for parents happening in Waterford city and county

 Dedicated phone line for Parents to ring for queries, information and signposting to services

Parents can contact Waterford Parent Hub through Email, Phone, Text, WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram





For Professionals


CENTRAL INFORMATION POINT: Provide a reference point for professionals to inform/ signpost parents and caregivers on information relevant to them in their parenting role. Register your parenting programme, workshop, group on our events page and register your service on our Services Directory page

ADVERTISE: Assist with the Advertising of courses/training/supports and sign post local people to your service

COLLABORATE: Promote collaborative inter agency work to allow the delivery of supports based on identified needs in the area, in a timely manner